Age Groups
- Infants – Toddlers (6 weeks to 24 months)
- Toddlers (24 Months to 33 months)
- Preschool (3 to 5 years)
- Extended Day Care
Infants – Toddlers
(6 weeks to 24 months)
Infant/toddler care at Rise & Shine Academy (RSA) is provided in a nurturing, stimulating environment that allows your child to grow and develop to his or her fullest potential. The playroom offers the opportunity for exploration and discovery through movement, music and a variety of toys and books. The daily schedule is individualized to meet your child’s needs for active play, small group activities, rest and cuddling. Quiet time for naps and meals is provided. Your child’s day will be a very special one filled with many new experiences and lots of loving care.
(24 to 33 months)
Toddlers learn through a combination of active play and structured activities during which they can develop their own skills and learn to interact with others. It is our primary goal to help your child develop a positive self-concept and a strong sense of achievement. Rise & Shine Academy (RSA) provides a safe and nurturing environment where your child can engage in a wide variety of individual and group experiences. He or she will learn to develop social, language, motor and creative thinking skills. Every day is filled with warmth, caring and a whole lot of fun.
(3 to 5 years)
The preschool program offers developmentally appropriate classrooms that encourage your child to grow and learn at his or her own pace. Learning centers including block building, dramatic play, math and manipulatives, science and exploration and a library corner encourage exploration and acquisition of age appropriate concepts and skills. The schedule in each classroom is designed to provide a nursery school curriculum for your child. The ELF and Math Magic Programs are offered to preschoolers ready to learn the skills needed to be successful in school. Indoor and outdoor four season motor areas promote physical development and fitness while having fun with peers. Each preschool classroom has computers for the children to use. The preschool program will help your child develop a positive self-concept and love of learning.
Extended Day Care
This program is offered to children who attend a half-day kindergarten program in a public school within the school district’s bus route. The program offers an opportunity to participate in special projects emphasizing creativity and artistic expression. It also includes time for active indoor and outdoor play as part of the daily routine. Children who attend RSA as part of the Kindergarten Extended Care Program may be offered full-day childcare during school vacation weeks if there are available slots. At any given time, a kindergarten extended care slot is dependent on program capacity and staff availability.